About Me

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Call me J, I'm a 21 year old born and raised Upstate New Yorker living in Kailua, Oahu with my boyfriend, N. We have 2 twin baby hounds, Duke and DaisyMay. They are the cutest things!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

First 8 Movie Reviews

Chick Flick Segment:

Here is a little pre-cap because I've actually already viewed the first 8 movies on this list.

  • Motherhood: Starring Uma Thurman is based in a present day New York City. The movie starts off with Thurman getting up at dawn with a page long to-do list. The movie takes place in one day in which Thurman is taking care of her toddler son while her daughter is off at kindergarten and her husband, played by Anthony Edwards is off at work. It is a very long, boring movie that I'm going to give a C-. I won't be watching this movie again or do I recommend it to anyone.
  • The Rebound: Starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, a single mom of two very "interesting" children. Jones finds herself moving into the city with her two young children and hiring a man-nanny played by Justin Bartha. Jones and Bartha end up romantically intertwined even though there is at least a 15 year age difference. The movie makes you smile, laugh, and at times a little misty eyed. I can't rate it in my top 5 but I wouldn't throw it out if it somehow ended up in my collection. I'll give it a solid A-.
  • The Ugly Truth: Starring Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler is about Heigl's character being a morning television producer for Butler's character's obscenely obnoxious but at the same time daringly honesty about the truth pertaining to men and women. The movie is raunchy and at times crack out loud laughter. But it's a very predictable, typical, guy ends up with girl despite all of their differences kinda movie! Might be one of those films your guy can suffer through with you and isn't one that you wouldn't mind watching again so it gets a B-.
  • The Proposal: Starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds is about the top of the world senior editor Bullock bribbing her then assistant Reynolds to pose as her fiance so she would gain a promotion and be able to re-new her Visa to work in the United States. Bullock a bossy, work alcoholic Canadian accompanies Reynolds to his hometown in Alaska and the two actually end up falling in love with one another. Parts of the movie are somewhat slow and drag on but there are also some very funny scenes and the chemistry that ignites and can be seen between the two makes up for the parts. Well that and any scene with Reynolds shirt off can definitely make me wait and wait through any movie. :-) I'm going to give it a B.
  • The Accidental Husband: Starring Uma Thurman and Jeffery Morgan is about Thurman playing a radio DJ who convinces Morgan's fiance to dump him less then a week before their wedding. Morgan then with the help of a teenage boy who's significance in the movie is so small I forgot his name forge a Marriage Liscence between Thurman and Morgan. In the hopes that Thurman will discover this and in fact be able to be confronted by Morgan and here him out. The movie is a twist between, Sweet Home Alabama and the Wedding Planner. Very few "make me wanna pay attention moments." It's given a C.
  • All About Steve: Starring Sandra Bullock and Bradley Cooper. First off let me say that this movie put me to sleep! I actually had to go back and watch 38 minutes of it because I just couldn't stay awake! Bullock made a huge mistake taking this role. Not only does she play a very intelligent whack job that should be filed under STALKER. She chases Cooper half way across the country after one date because she thinks they are soul mates. Please be advised this movie is getting a D- and I never want to even talk about it again.
  • Confessions of a Shopaholic: Starring Isla Fisher and Hugh Dancy. Not only is this movie ment for a tween it's about, yup, you guessed it a shopaholic played by Fisher. She ends up coping with this condition and later in the movie starts repaying the massive amount of debt that she has accumulated. The movie is a tragic waste of money. I can't even write more about it without wanting to pluck my eyes out. I'm being generous with a D.
  • He's Just Not that into You: Unfortunately I can't give you a star of this movie. This movie holds a kick ass cast that is just breathe taking! It's based on the best selling book which happens to be categorized underneath the same title. The movie has some slow spots but the meaning to every female out there is dynamic! This movie hits that, "You fucking retard why do we keep doing this over and over again button." Not only did it make me realize that I do the same exact things to my friends, but they do it in return to me as well. I'm going to give it a A- because yes, there was some slow parts. But the lesson I've learned I will carry with me the rest of my life that and Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck are the hottest couple on film that I've ever seen!
  • New In Town: Starring Renee Zellweger and Harry Conick JR in this odd twist of roles. Usually when you think of a big Company Manager coming to shut a plant in a very small Mid-West town down you think of a male and this male falling in love with a female. The roles are very reversed in this movie. Not only does Zellweger start off as a stuck up Miami Bitch and fall for Conick, the Union representative. You find yourself feeling for her and her ordeal as she fights to fit in and in the end fight to keep the plant open. It's pretty predictable but has some very sweet moments at times. Solid C+.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chick Flicks

Chick Flicks:

I use to always question why my species, why my race, why every female I know is infatuated with the chick flick, romance genre when it comes to movies. I’m a 21 year-old female who has really never found a chick flick that she absolutely has fallen in love with. I mean don’t get me wrong there are some decent romantic movies but I can’t really rate any of them in my top 5, not even if my top 10! I’ve decided that I’m going on a mission, I’m determined to find a chick flick that I absolutely can’t live without and I finally rank as in my top 5.

I’m going to start with some of the most recent chick flicks and slowly work my way backwards. I’m going to be using a list that I found online from the website, http://lafemmereel.com/blog/chick-flick-list/

Hopefully it will give me a good guide to finding that “one” or if it will actually surprise me I just might find more then that. But I’m not quite sure what exactly it is I’m looking for. I’m pretty broad in my top 5 movies of all time as it is. Here is my current list, which isn’t in any given order, just a typical top 5!

  1. Transformers
  2. Little Mermaid (this is a children’s movie, not a chick flick)
  3. Schindler’s List
  4. The Dark Knight
  5. Supertroopers

Now don’t start to judge that I’m not very cultured in the movie area and don’t know what I’m talking about. That’s the point of this journey to find out more about this form of entertainment and to find perhaps a chick flick that I can add to my top 5.

I’ve actually surprisingly seen a good deal of the movies listed at least underneath the 2000-2008 list. Then after that it gets a little less and less and then eventually I’ve never even heard the movie that’s even listed.

While I’m writing about this and letting my feelings be known about each movie and giving them a rating based on what I thought. I’ll also be blogging about so much more as well.

These things are:

Daily Thoughts

Funny Jokes


Daisy & Duke

Advice I’ve received or given

Decorating Ideas

Movie Reviews

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

N's Making it Hard

Can't Sleep,
I miss N,
I miss him always telling me goodnight.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Psycho and Rudey

Interested in knowing what kind of roommates N and I live with?

We live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in Kailua.
We have 3 roommates at the moment!
Nobbs, Psycho, and Rudey!

Obviously N and I really like Nobbs.
Clearly, Psycho and Rudey received the names they have for a reason!

Picture it this way:
-N and I share a bedroom
-Psycho and Rudey share a bedroom
-Nobbs has his own room

Psycho and Rudey are probably the most disgusting girls I have ever met in my life.  Rudey is a 22 year old female in the US NAVY and Psycho is her 19 year old girlfriend!

Why they are disgusting:
1.  They have milk in the fridge over a month old!
2.  They wait 1-2 weeks before they do there dishes
3.  There bathroom looks like a recking ball went through it
4.  Three glasses with crusted milk at the bottom sit on there sink
5.  There trash is so overflowing that it takes up the whole edge of a wall
6.  The toilet has a brown rim around it from them 
7.  There is white, white with blue stripes, white with red and blue stripes toothpaste encrusted all over their sink, faucet, and mirror
8.  They don't have any clothes hanging in their closet because they are all dirty, scattered all over there floor
9.  Their dog has worms, so they lock it up in a crate fit for a dog half of her size and insist on putting a twin size comforter on the bottom for "her bed" mind you, we live in OAHU it's so hot here that dog is probably suffering.
10.  Their dog, Riley (name changed), has over 50 piles of feces in the front lawn and the side lawn
11.   Their recyclables are stacked up on their living room wall, they haven't taken them out in over 6 WEEKS
12.  They have had Riley for over 1 1/2 months and have given that poor dog 1 bath
13.  They track mud from their sneakers/flip flops through out the communal kitchen and haven't mopped it once and we've been living here, 2 months now.
14.  The follow smell coming from their bathroom and bedroom smells like a mixture of a garbage dump on a very very humid day and the inside of a mens locker room.

Why they are rude:
1.  They don't pay us the bills on time
2.  They budge in line when we are in the middle of doing laundry, they will literally wait and stand by the washer till it is done.  Then they will put our stuff on top of the dryer and then take over!  Even if we have our hamper out there or TELL THEM we aren't done.
3.  They through away our things
4.  They walk on our side of the house in their sneakers or flip flops
5.  They wait till N's plane has been in flight for 1 hour before they tell him what he owes on the Electric Bill, though they received it a week prior.
6.  They purposely make noise while we are sleeping.
7.  They are now trying to move out and end their lease with us, to bad that it's a year long lease and we already told them that would never happen, they continue to move their shit out though.
8.  They purposely do anything to be rude, obnoxious, or just disrespectful

Psycho got her name by pulling a meat cleaver on me when she was drunk, YES, her 22 year old girlfriend got her underage girlfriend wasted.  And Psycho thought it would be a good idea to pull a meat cleaver on me and it took ME and RUDEY telling her NUMEROUS times to put it down for her to actually drop it!

Wow, I really don't like them.  Can anybody figure out why?


It's Saturday night
Where am I?
Sitting in a truck 
Typing this on my IPhone!

I'm on the way to Kaneohe Bay with 3 of N's best guy friends, we can call them Gin, Orbs, & Nobbs!  Nobbs and I are pretty good friends, but the other two I only sort of know.  I had to help Nobbs move into are house into the spare bedroom this evening.  Well I didn't have to, he just asked for my help and of course I obliged.
N has been gone over 24 hours and I have barely talked to him sense I dropped him off.  Though he had to fly 8,000 miles from Oahu back over to Massachusetts it would be nice to hear from him.  He called at every airport but sense he's landed in Mass I've received a 5 minute phone call and roughly 3 texts messages.  That was 5 hours ago!  I know he's hanging out with his friends and I'm not expecting him to call me 24/7 or to text me all day through-out the day, but thats what he did when I was home back on the east coast for vacation.  

Ok, I'm back home chillin with Nobbs

About to start another entry all about the annoying habbits of 2/3 of our roommates.  Wow, I'd never think I'd ever say this but put annoyance, immaturity, and messy/disgusting in the same equation and out they popped!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why It's All Started

So, I'm new to this whole "Blogging" thing!  I mean can't we all just be honest with one another?Isn't it just like a diary or like a journal but just in the "modern, technological" world?  Lets put it this way, to stay up with everything and to stay up to date with the world I've decided to take my "dinosaur" of a diary to my mac book.  

So, what have I been doing this past month?  I've been taking care of our house and our 2 twin babies, we have a baby boy and girl.  They are already 5 months old and I can't believe it.  They are twin hound puppies named, Duke and DaisyMay!  They are the cutest, cuddliest, most well behaved puppies I have ever encountered in my life.  Right now I'm looking at colleges to go back to school and finish that up but right now N is stationed out of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, USA and that means that there are a whoppin 3 schools on island that have my major! On top of that, they only allow a handful of students in per semester.  YIKES!  This in toll means the only thing that I really can do or actually want to do is go back to the east coast and finish off my professional college learning experience there!

But back to N, ughh he hasn't even been gone for more then 3 hours and I already miss him!  That boy and I haven't even been together that long yet and he's the only one I ever want to and/or can see myself spending the rest of my life with!  He's the kind of guy that:
1. Brings home flowers, just because
2. Will be a little kid with me and sing songs, make songs up, skip, go on swings...
3. Will protect me from all of my fears, and will make me face most of them myself
4. Will laugh with me, teach me, protect me, and treat me like I'm the only person in the world that matters

I could go on and on but basically, just know that I have the worlds most amazing boyfriend!

j, xoox